
Join me as we have fun with our dogs, and then paddle along with the Dog Paddlers—a dragon boat team in Victoria, Canada. You'll meet my Silky Terriers—Abby, Zack, Sami and Gemma—and their feline sister, Bridget. Share with us the joys and challenges of strengthening the human-canine bond as we participate with our dogs in canine agility, trailwalks and canine freestyle.

Monday, January 24, 2011


OK, OK. I've been a BAD BLOGGER. Haven't posted since early November.

Well, now that I'm retired, maybe things will pick up some. To hold the fort until I get something more scintillating to post (unless you want to know that today I made granola, went to Costco, and took Abby to an obedience class), I'm posting a little video, with apologies to those readers from down east who are shivering in the deep freeze. I thought you might like to see what a winter walk with the dogs looks like in January in greater Victoria. ;-)

My apologies also, for the small size of the video -- it was taken on my Iphone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurrah! You're back in business!

About the cold here: I'm just glad that your dogs don't have to live where the windchill is too cold "for man or beast". It seems to be over, just in time for some X-country skiing this weekend, with lots of fresh snow!

Please say hi to Peni and the gang for me. I'm walking with you in spirit, especially on Mondays and Wednesdays when I walk 3km and try to do it in 1/2 hour (no luck yet).
